6 Replies to “Under The Banyon Tree”

  1. Being from another coast (looks like another country!) it’s fascinating but what the hell are they doing?
    Some ancient tribal something or a new dance. Fascinating stuff you find. I think you are a photographer-anthropologist.


    1. Yes, they look like natives from a strange culture having just sacrificed a newborn, or something… But they are just a summer group of loosely supervised teenagers full of festal excitement running amuck. A minute later one of them ran out in the street and flagged down a firetruck so they could all pose for a group selfie in front of it. No one has told them about mortality yet. 🙂


    1. They were exhausting to watch, always bouncing up and down, never just walking, and always smiling, never serious or introspective. Ritalin not working, I suppose. 🙂


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