Recently I have begun to explore a new genre, street photography. The thrill is palpable in never quite knowing what’s down the alley and around the corner and whether it’s friendly, or not.

My home town, St. Petersburg (FL), is pretty lame stomping grounds compared to the hustle and bustle of a typical big city with hordes of pedestrians and sidewalk vendors and honking cars. But patience is occasionally rewarded with an interesting photograph or two.

I turn my attention (and my camera) toward other subjects, too; feel free to click on an image below to visit one of my companion sites. They are all related, like family, with separate personalities but overlapping DNA. Subscribe & comment if you are so inclined.

🙂 🙂 🙂

10 Replies to “ABOUT”

    1. I have ordered a new “street sized” camera to arrive next week and I’m excited because now I won’t have to shove a large DSLR in people’s faces. I’m hoping my images will improve. Thanks for following; I’ve signed up for your site too.

      Liked by 2 people

  1. How nice to be in contact. You found the blog where I write about photography. Yep, only photography.
    Not a street photographer myself, I could easily say my favourite viewing is of the creative and exciting work those that wander the byways of the city producing photos that are always worth taking the time to view. I look forward to spending time wandering your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dude, I’m so glad I found your blog! I just moved back to Tampa after being in WA for several years and I’m going to start shooting street in downtown Tampa and St. Pete. Feeling hella inspired by your photos. Keep it up. 🙂


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